February 2017

I believe in miracles.

Written on Friday, February 17th @ 2:35pm

Mother and daughter

Mother and daughter

It is a beautiful warm sunny day in Iowa. That alone makes you smile. I get a phone call early this morning from Crystal. “Hey mom, what are you doing?” Me, “I am about to leave for the Studio.” Crystal, “Hmmm I was thinking about coming over for coffee.” I was so excited, I scrambled to hurry up and make a cup. We’ve not been able to do that in awhile.

So yesterday was a big day! I was up at 5:00am hoping to receive a phone call from Crystal saying she changed her mind and would like me to come to Rochester with them. Even typing this right now, it makes me smile because I knew deep down inside that was not going to happen but I sure was hopeful.

I did receive many beautiful messages from you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I did receive a fun surprise, at 9:45am, I had two very dear friends take me to get a pedicure and make lunch for me and my other two daughters. Such a blessing. There were only a few tears. How wonderful to be in such good company that it helps take your mind else where while you are waiting to hear the news.

Friends/Family the Best Medicine...

Friends/Family the Best Medicine…

Throughout the day, every time I looked to see what time it was, I thought about where we would be at or what we would be doing at that time if I would have been with them. Oh we would be driving, Oh we would be watching the sunrise in the car, Oh we would be talking about whatever popped up on Facebook, Oh we would be looking for a parking spot, Oh she would be checking in for her blood work…so on and so on.

Gage did text the minute they got checked into her first appointment. It was nice to hear from him. And then around lunch time, my phone began to ring. I saw it was Crystal and my heart dropped. Hello, Hello Crystal? You okay? Everything good? As Crystal says, probably rolling her eyes, “Yes, mom I just wanted to tell you we are getting lunch. I finished my tests, they even did a new one on me. It is really cold here but the sun is out and we are getting Subway.” I was relieved. I was so happy she called. After hanging up I immediately began wondering will she call with he news right away? Will the doctors be late? I mean I should get a phone call by 2pm? Right? Well, unless the doctors are late. But they are never late…

Crystal and Gage spreading the Great News.

Crystal and Gage spreading the Great News.

Some of you have said to me, I can’t believe how fast she is getting the news this time. Well, really we do get the news pretty fast, in less than two days. One day for testing and the next day for results. But this time was the first time they could get everything done in one day.

I must admit, I was getting anxious. By 1:00pm I tried to chat with Paulette, Shannon, Courtney and Cassidy without missing a beat but I could feel my blood pressure rising. I could feel me begin to sweat, I could feel my heart racing even when I tried my best to act like I was fine.

Crystal’s appointment was at 1:45pm…I sent her and Gage a text message with a purple heart at that time. And then I waited.

At 2:50pm…I received a message from John with Jones County Fair that said, “Keep the Faith”.  Crazy timing because my phone immediately rang once I read that. It was Crystal.

“Mom, they didn’t find anything. They really didn’t.” She sounded like she had been crying, but maybe she is just trying to be quiet up in the waiting room. I know exactly where they are at. I put her on speaker so everyone at the table could hear her. We were all elated. It was truly a miracle.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Now she was going to call her grandma, her dad and then she would post a “Cancer Free” picture.

And tonight we were going to celebrate!

Her next appointment will be in May. And again, prayers will be welcomed. Oh goodness, if she gets good news in May it will be 1 year of being Cancer Free. That would be the first time since 2013…Oh I hope that is what happens but wait, there I go agin not enjoying the news we just got. Another reminder to live in the moment.


  1. Love this. So very happy.

  2. Oliver Steinberg says

    So very glad to hear this news. My wife and I remember so clearly Crystal and her family and the dance troupe at the Rochester Purple Stride in 2013. Thank you Tiffany for sharing your cares and reflections and a mother’s love with the world at large, to tell this true story of what it means for one family to face the diagnosis of cancer, and to go through the treatments, the hopes and fears and uncertainties. May the years ahead be happy ones for you all.

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