July 2014

You don’t feel that way because you had Cancer…

Written on July 30th @4:05pm

Happy Hump Day Everyone…

The family in Ohio at Cedar Point!

The family in Ohio at Cedar Point!

I took some time off not to write for a bit. Kind of tried to get back to normal, the new normal, but I have not forgotten about all of you and the worries and questions you might have….

Today is a new day. Crystal is doing great!

The last time I updated I was talking about Crystal’s Liver Ablation and how she was doing right after surgery, here is a little more info after that day…

A few days after Crystal’s procedure the pain set in, she was struggling with breathing, just trying to catch her breath, besides just moving around was very difficult for her. She was not able to come to work and I knew she was scared when she was on the phone calling Mayo not once but twice.

First we thought that she had overdone it right after surgery but we learned that this procedure is like that. You feel good right away, you feel like you will be just fine and then it sets in.

It was a rough week. It was so hard to be strong and to keep that fighting Spirit with the worry of; Is this what she will go through every time, what all of us emotionally will be going through, every time?

More memories at Cedar Point!

More memories at Cedar Point!

It’s so hard to watch your daughter go through so much pain and worry. I want to take all the pain away for her. I wish it was me. She is so tough. I know her story has touched and open the eyes of many but I want things back to normal.

As Crystal slowly gained her strength back, we focused on the studio. We focused on positive goals for next year for the Spirits. We also had a fun family vacation to Canada coming up so those things keep you going.

That I think has helped. Staying focused can be difficult unless you have a goal that you set, an adventure you know is coming up that keeps you excited. That is the best part about moving forward.

Even though sad things come up, things that leave your heart hurting terribly, you notice that life just keeps going on all around you.

This morning was a little difficult for Crystal but after a 45 minute phone call, she pushed through. I do not know what it feels like to be in her shoes but I do know some of her worry and things she says is like every girl/woman out there. It’s life. And reassuring Crystal that she does not feel like that because she had cancer or is a cancer survivor is important to me.

Niagara Falls Family Trip

Niagara Falls Family Trip

I have explained to Crystal that we say life is roller coaster not because of cancer, but because of everything around us. The ride is constantly changing from every circumstance that comes up with family, friends, health, school, careers, death, marriage, children, divorce…all of that is a journey, so you have to learn to move forward on this path. And to find the good, the positive in it, actually helping someone else through it really ends up helping you.

Can I tell you as mother you feel like you are babbling on and on. You even question yourself on what you are saying but when you here the words, “Thanks Mom, I needed to hear that.” It fills your heart. And then when you see her and out of the blue she runs up and hugs you and Thanks you again, you find yourself Thanking God for giving me my own life story and struggles so I can help her through hers.

Crystal is beautiful, she is kind hearted, she listens, and she is smart. Crystal lives life to the fullest, she has beat cancer twice, she has a story and what is amazing is I learn from her story every day. But Crystal does worry, Crystal is scared and I am so thankful that when she has those days God has given me wisdom to help her answer her questions.

Making memories...

Making memories…

As for Crystal’s family goes…it’s been a busy summer. Lots of fun memories have been made. Courtney is getting ready to go back to College and hopefully Iowa in the spring. Cassidy is getting ready to take her Senior Pictures and hoping her school starts off way better than last year. Rod is very busy with work and is celebrating a birthday next month. I am sure a lot of you do not know but Rod is a twin.

Luke Bryan Concert in Iowa!

Luke Bryan Concert in Iowa!

We all have a purpose in life and I do believe helping others through a difficult time and realizing that you made a difference to that person is an incredible feeling, one that we should all feel.

Also, Crystal’s Next Big Appointment is September 3rd at Mayo!  Chat with you all next month….


  1. Thanks for the update. See you in CP Saturday!!

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